

Page history last edited by Erik Black 2 years ago



PO Box 100291

Gainesville, FL 32610





Master of Public Health, 2017

University of Florida Gainesville, Florida


Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction, 2009

Focus in Educational Technology

Minor in Research and Evaluation Methodology

University of Florida Gainesville, Florida


Master of Arts in Counseling and Human Services, 2005

The College of New Jersey Ewing, New Jersey


Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management, 1997

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia





NBCC - NCC Board Certified Mental Health Counselor





2023 Digital Learning Collaborative Research Impact Award

2019 University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions Scholarship of Teaching Publication Award

2018 Finalist - Josiah H. Macy Foundation Faculty Scholars Program

2018 1st Place University of Florida Virtual Reality for Social Good Demo Day

2017-2018 University of Florida College of Medicine Exemplary Teacher Award 

2017 UFHealth Quality Improvement Educator Award

2016-2017 Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute Fellow

2016 Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Award for Program Excellence in Social Mission in Health Professions Education

2016 1st Place Clarion National Interprofessional Case Competition

2015-2016 University of Florida College of Medicine Exemplary Teacher Award 

2015 University of Florida Champions for Change Community Engagement Award

2014 3rd Place Oral Presentation: 2014 Pediatric Medical Student Research Forum

2014 Best Poster: UFHealth Quality and Patient Safety Week

2014 University of Florida College of Medicine Society of Teaching Scholars

2012 University of Florida Doctoral Mentoring Award Nominee

2010-2011 University of Florida College of Medicine Exemplary Teacher Award

2009 University of Florida Graduate Research Award

2008 Sara Livinia de Keni Scholarship

2007 Ralph D. Turlington Fellowship

2005-2009 University of Florida Graduate Alumni Fellowship

2005 Chi Sigma Iota Honor Society





University of Florida    Jan 2023 - present

Associate Dean of Student Services and Clinical Professor

College of Nursing

Department of Family, Community, and Health System Science


University of Florida    November 2013 - Present

Associate Director

UFHealth Office of Interprofessional Education


University of Florida    July 2022 - Jan 2023


College of Medicine

Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics


University of Florida    July 2016 - June 2022

Associate Professor

College of Medicine

Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics


University of Florida    June 2009 - June 2016

Assistant Professor

College of Medicine

Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics


University of Florida     August 2005 - May 2009

Graduate Alumni Fellow

College of Education

School of Teaching and Learning, Educational Technology Program





University of Florida, College of Education, School of Teaching and Learning, Educational Technology Program (Graduate Faculty)





Black, E.W., Zurek-Ost, M., Strekalova, Y., Rush, C., Raponi, J.M., Blue, A.V. (submitted). Natural language processing as a program evaluation tool in interprofessional education. Paper submitted to Journal of Interprofessional Care. 


Radros, H.J., Saidi, A., Rawlinson, A.R., Cattier, C., Black, E.W., Rackley, J., Breault, L., Biagio, A., Pietra, B.A., Fricker, F.J., Gupta, D. (Accepted). Assessment of parental decision making in congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathy, and heart transplantation: An observational study analyzing decisional characteristics and preferences. Archives of Diseases in Childhood.


Gao, R., Kurenov, S., Black, E.W., Peters, J. (Accepted). Adding safety rules to surgeon-authored VR training. Simulation in Healthcare.


Bhardwaj, P., Black, E.W., Kelly, M., Lopez, M., Fantone, J. (Accepted). Script concordance tests for formative clinical reasoning and problem-solving assessment in general pediatrics. Paper submitted to MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources.


Gunaldo, T., Ankham, N., Black, E.W., Davis, A.H., Bradley Mitchell, A., Sanne, S., Emland, E.M., Blue, A.V. (2022). Sustaining large scale longitudinal interprofessional community-based health education experiences: recommendations from three institutions. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 29, 100547 .


Raponi, J.M., Blue, A.V., Janelle, J., Buckley, T.R., Urban, J., Cestaro-Seifer, D., Nall, R., Gadkowske, L.B., Kariyawasam, V., Crummett, J., Black, E.W. (2022). A longitudinal interprofessional case-based learning experience: A focus on the HIV/AIDS care continuum in the rural south. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 29, 100537.


Paradise Black, N.M., Lossius, M.N., Black, E.W., Collins, S.W. (2022). Jugglers needed! How hospitalists can create balance between patient care, education and work during family-centered rounds. Academic Pediatrics, 22(6):887-888.


Hendricks, J.J., Theis, R., Mann, K.J., Turner, A.L., Filipp, S.L., Leslie, L.K., Rosental, C., Byrne, A., Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A. (2022). Exploring paediatricians’ experiences with performance improvement modules and quality improvement. BMJ Open Quality, 11, e001674.


Black, E.W., Ferdig, R.E., Fleetwood, A., Thompson, L.A. (2022). Hospital home-bound students and K-12 online schooling. PLOS ONE, 17(3), e026481.


Dickson, T., Devahl, J., Black, E.W. (2022). Goodness of fit of the Clinical Instructor Teaching Effectiveness Survey (CITES) for Health Professions students. Journal of Allied Health, 51(1):e1-e14.


Raponi, J.M., Black E.W., Rush, C.C., Schneider Childs, G., Blue, A.V. (2022). Dental student perceptions of teamwork during a community-engaged interprofessional learning experience. European Journal of Dental Education, epublication ahead of print: https://doi.org/10.1111/eje.12776.


Black, E.W., Romito, L., Pfeifle, A., Blue V. (2021). Establishing and sustaining interprofessional education: Institutional infrastructure. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 26, 100458.


Tavassoli, F., Howell, D.M., Black, E.W., Lok, B., Gilbert, J.E. (2021). JAYLA (Junior Agent to typifY Levels of Autism): A virtual training platform to teach severity levels of autism. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2(96).


Black, E.W., Schrock, B., Prewett, M., Blue, A.V. (2021). Design of a situational judgment test for the assessment of pre-clinical interprofessional collaborative skills. Academic Medicine, 96, 992-996.


Lure, A., Du, X., Black, E.W., Irons, R., Lemas, D.J., Taylor, J.A., Lavilla, O., de la Cruz, D., Neu J. (2020). Using machine learning analysis to assist in differentiating between necrotizing enterocolitis and spontaneous intestinal perforation: A novel predictive analytic tool. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 56(10), 1703-1710. 


Black, E.W., Garbas, B., Buchs, S. (2021). Data mining in physician assistant education: Using data mining for the early identification of struggling learners. Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 32(1), 38-42.


Black, E.W., Dickson, T., Blue, A.V. (2021). Exploring health professions students self and peer teamwork evaluations using item response theory. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 22, 100396.


Black, E.W., Ferdig, R.E., Thompson, L.T. (2021). K-12 Virtual Schooling, COVID-19, and Student Success. JAMA Pediatrics, 175(2), 119-120.


Fromme, H.B., Ryan, M.S., Black, .E.W., Paik, S., Griego, E., Kocolas, I., Cipriano, F., Paradise Black, N.M. (2020). A script for what ails your learners: Feedback scripts to promote effective learning. Academic Pediatrics, 20(5), 721-723.


Cobb, D., Martin, T., Vasilopoulos, T., Black, E.W., Giordano, C. (2019). Preparing anesthesia residents to lead: A leadership program. Leadership in Health Service, 33(1), 101-111.


Shah, H., Terrell., J., Black, E.W., Petrik, R., Ryan, M. (2019). Procedurepalooza: A curriculum adjunct integrating clinical skills and techniques for preclinical students. Florida College of Emergency Physicians EMPulse, 26(2), 46-48.


Chhabria, K., Black, E.W., Giordano, C., Blue, A.V. (2019). Measuring health professions students' teamwork behavior using peer assessment: Validation of an online tool. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 16.


Genuardi, F., Kelly, M., Rosenberg, E.I., Black, E.W., Dawson, K. (2019). Teaching students how to improve safety and quality in two children's hospitals: Building a pediatric clerkship patient safety and quality experience. Academic Pediatrics, 19(4).


Stetten, N.E., Black, E.W., Edwards, M., Schaefer, N., Blue, A.V. (2019). Interprofessional service learning experiences among health professional students: A systematic search and review of learning outcomes. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 15, 60-69.


Schentrup, D., Blue, A., Black, E.W., Whalen, K. (2019). Interprofessional teams: Lessons from a nurse-led clinic. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 15(3).


Rambarat, C.E., Merritt, J.M., Norton, H.F., Black, E.W., Winchester, D.E. (2018). Using simulation to teach echocardiography: A systematic review. Simulation in Healthcare, 13(6), 413-419.


Schentrup, D., Whalen, K., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V., Chacko, L. (2018). Building interprofessional team effectiveness in a nurse-led rural health center. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 12, 86-90.


Stetten, N.E., Hagen, M.G., Nall, R.W., Vogel Anderson, K., Black E.W., Blue, A.V. (2018). Interprofessional collaboration in a transitional care management clinic: A Qualitative analysis of health professionals experiences. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 12, 73-78.


McGehee, W.F., Dunleavy, K., Blue, A.V., Stetten, N.E., Black, E.W. (2018). Physical Therapist Students' Perceptions: Learning From a Community-Based, Client-Focused, Interprofessional Learning Experience. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 32(1), 70-76.


Horky, S., Andreola, J., Black, E.W, Lossius, M. (2017). Evaluation of a cross cultural curriculum: Changing knowledge, attitudes and skills in pediatric residents. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21(7), 1537-1543.


Casteneda, G., Islam, S., Stetten, N., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2017). What's in it for me? Perspective from community participants in an interprofessional service learning program. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 6, 15-21.


Snyder Franklin, A., Markowsky, S., De Leo, J., Norman, S., Black, E.W. (2016). Team-based learning: Phenytoin pharmacokinetics taught face-to-face compared to online. American Journal of Pharmacy Education, 80(10).


Lossius, M., Sposetti, V., Black, E.W. (2016). An interprofessional small-group learning experience in early childhood caries with fluoride varnish application. MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources,12, 10495. 


Black, E.W, Blue, A.V., Davidson, R.A, McCormack, W. (2016). Using team based learning in a large interprofessoinal health science education experience. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 5,19-22.  


Estrada, A., Behar-Horenstein, Estrada, D., Black, E.W., Kwiatkowski, A., Bzoch, A., Blue, A. (2016). Incorporating interprofessional education into a veterinary medical curriculum. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Education, 43(1), 1-7.


Fernandez, H., Ferdig, R., Thompson, L.A., Schottke, K., Black, E.W. (2016). Students with special healthcare needs in k-12 virtual schools. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 19(1), 67-75.


Black, E.W., Mezzina, K., Thompson, L.A. (2016). Anonymous social media: Understanding the content and context of Yik Yak. Computers in Human Behavior, 57, 17-22.


Markham, M.J., Black, E.W., Close, J.L., Cooper, L.A., Lombard, G.J., Meyer, L., White, C., Stalvey, C. (2015). Mock page - Standardized patient case. MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources, 11, 10210. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/10210h


Snyder, A., Markowsky, S.J., Black, E.W., De Leo, J. (2015). A pharmacokinetic team-based learning experience: Phenytoin. MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources, 11, 10034. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/10034


Paradise Black, N.M., Black, E.W., Rivkees, S.A. (2014). Implementation of a novel track-based pediatric residency training program. The Journal of Pediatrics, 165(6), 1076-1077.


Black, E.W., Striley, C.W., Davidson, R.A., McCormack, W.T. (2014). An interdisciplinary team-based learning experience in health systems and inequalities. MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources, 11, 9657. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9657


Ryan, K., Black, E.W., Osakew, O., McConnell, D.J., Pallas, P., Carter, C., Tuli, S., Nackashi, J., Thompson, L.A. (2013). Is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization changing? A study of academic daycare facilities. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 34(10).


Black, E.W., Davidson, R.A., Rosenberg, E.I., Winterstein, A., Snyder, A., McCormack, W.T. (2013). An interdisciplinary team-based learning experience in ambulatory patient safety. MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources, 9, 9535. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9535


Gregg, A., Allen, W.T., Black, E.W., Davidson, R.A., McCormack, W.T. (2013). An interdisciplinary team-based learning experience in clinical ethics. MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources, 9, 9579. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9579


Black, E.W., Light, J., Black, N.M.P., Thompson, L.A. (2013). Social media in the ED: Online social network use by healthcare providers in a high traffic patient care environment. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(5), e94.


Chuah, J.H., Lok, B., Black, E.W. (2013). Applying mixed reality to simulate vulnerable populations for practicing clinical communications skills. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(4), 539-546.


Thompson, E.L., Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W., Esernio-Jenssen, D., Hardt, N., Das, R., Roth, J. (2012). Identifying indicators during pregnancy for child maltreatment. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 17(10), 1817-1842.


Thompson, L.A., Zhang, S., Black, E.W., Das, R., Ryngaert, M., Sullivan, S., Roth, J. (2012). The association of maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index with breastfeeding initiation. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 17(10), 1842-1851.


Kumar, S., Liu, F., Black, E.W. (2012). Undergraduates' collaboration and integration of new technologies in higher education: Blurring the lines between informal and educational contexts. Digital Culture and Education, 4(2).


Edwards, M.E., Black, E.W. (2012). Contemporary instructor-librarian collaboration: A case study of an online embedded librarian implementation. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 6(3).


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W., Saliba, H., Schentrup, A. (2012). Parents' knowledge of and opinions about healthcare laws and technology in primary care. Informatics in Primary Care, 20(1).


Thompson, L.A., Ferdig, R.E., Black, E.W. (2012). K-12 virtual schools and children with special health care needs. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(3), e62.


Beck, D.E., Black, E.W. (2012). Communication is key: The role of communication in the diffusion of a learning management system into a higher education environment. International Journal of Learning Technologies, 7(1), 4-22.


Tuli,S.J., Thompson, L.A., Saliba, H., Black, E.W., Ryan, K.A., Kelly, M.N., Novak, M., Mellot, J., Tuli, S.S. (2011). Pediatric residents' learning styles and temperaments and their relationship to standardized test scores. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 3(4) 


Dawson, K., Cavanaugh, C., Sessums, C., Black, E., Kumar, S. (2011). Designing a professional practice doctoral degree in educational technology: Signature pedagogies, implications and recommendations. Journal of Distance Education, 25(3).


Kumar, S., Dawson, K. Black, E.W., Cavanaugh, C., Sessums, C. D.  (2011) Applying the community of inquiry framework to an online professional practice doctoral program. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(6), 126-142.


Paradise Black, N.M., Kelly, M.N., Black, E.W., Sessums, C.D., DiPietro, M.K., Novak, M.A. (2011) Family-centered rounds and medical students education: A qualitative examination of students’ perceptions. Hospital Pediatrics, 1(1), 24-29.


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W. (2011). Nonclinical use of online social networking sites: New and old challenges to medical professionalism, The Journal of Clinical Ethics, 22(2), 179-82.


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W., Duff, W.P., Paradise Black, N.M., Saliba, H.,Dawson, K. (2011). Protected health information on social networking sites: Ethical and legal considerations. The Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13(1).


Ryan, K., Ifantides, C., Bucciarelli, C., Tuli, S., Black, E.W., Saliba, H., Thompson, L.A. (2011). Are gymnasium surfaces a source of staphylococcal infections in the community.  American Journal of Infection Control, 39(2).


Saidi, A., Reiss, J., Breitinger, P., Black, E.W., Paolillo, J., Collins, S. (2011). Web-based learning: Is it an effective method for educating pediatric residents about transition to adult subspecialty congential heat disease care? International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health, 3(4), 85-593.


Kelly, M.N., Paradise Black, N.M., Black, E.W., DiPietro, M.K., Novak, M. (2010). A mixed method evaluation of pediatric simulation. AEQ, 14(4).


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A., Duff, W.P., Dawson, K.D., Saliba, H.S., Paradise Black, N.M. (2010). Revisiting social network utilization by physicians-in-training. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 2(2).


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A, Saliba, H., Dawson, K., Paradise Black, N.M. (2010). An analysis of healthcare providers online ratings. Informatics in Primary Care, 17(4), 249-253.


Ferdig, R.E., Cavanaugh, C., DiPietro, M., Black, E.W., Dawson, K. (2010) Virtual schooling standards and best practices for teacher education. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 17(4), 479-503.


Liu, F., Black, E.W., Algina J., Cavanaugh, C., Dawson, K. (2010). Validation of one parental involvement measurement in virtual schooling. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 9(2), 105-132.


Black, E.W., DiPietro, M., Ferdig, R.E., Poling, N. (2009). Developing a survey to measure best practices in K-12 online teachers. The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 12(1).


Black, E.W., Ferdig, R.E., DiPietro, J.C., Liu, F., Whalen, B. (2009). Visual analyses of the creation of avatars. The International Journal of Games and Computer Mediated Simulations, 1(1), 90-107.


Black, E.W., Greaser, J., Dawson, K. (2008). Academic dishonesty in traditional and online classrooms: Does the “Media Equation” hold true? Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 12(3).


Ferdig, R.E., Dawson, K., Black, E.W., Paradise-Black, N.M., Thompson, L.A. (2008). Medical students’ and residents’ use of online social networking tools: Implications for teaching professionalism in medical education. First Monday, 13(9). 


Kelly, M., Dipietro, M.,Black, E.W.,  Novak, M. (2008). Reflective education and simulation in pediatric medical education. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 56(1), 444.


Black, E.W., Dawson, K., Priem, J. (2008). Data for free: Using LMS activity logs to measure community in an online course. The Internet and Higher Education, 11, 65-70.


Thompson, L.A., Dawson, K., Ferdig, R.E., Black, E.W., Boyer, J., Coutts, J.B., Paradise Black, N.M. (2008). The intersection of online social networking with medical professionalism. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(7), 954-957.


DiPietro, M., Ferdig, R.E., Black, E.W., Preston, M. (2008). Best practices in teaching K-12 online: Lessons learned from michigan virtual school teachers. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 7(1), 10-35.


Black, E.W. (2008). Wikipedia and academic peer review: Wikipedia as a recognized medium for scholarly publication. Online Information Review, 32(1), 73-88.


Black, E.W., Ferdig, R.E., DiPietro, M. (2008). An overview of evaluative instrumentation for virtual high schools. The American Journal of Distance Education, 22(1), 24-45.


Kelly, M., DiPietro, M., Black, E.W., Paradise Black, N.M., Novak, M. (2008). Reflective education and simulation in pediatric medical education. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 56(1).


Black, E.W., Beck, D., Dawson, K., Jinks, S., DiPietro, M. (2007). The other side of the LMS: Considering implementation and use in the adoption of an LMS in online and blended learning environments. Techtrends, 51(2), 35-39.


DiPietro, M., Ferdig, R. E., Boyer, J., Black, E.W. (2007). Understanding the value of electronic games: A framework. The Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 16(3), 225-248.


Black, E.W., Dawson, K., Ferdig, R.E. (2006). Forgotten alumni: Online learners as donors. AEQ, 10(1), 43-47.





Howley, L., Davis, N., Black, E.W. (eds) (in press). Teaching Education for Quality, 2nd edition. Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, D.C.


Boateng, B., Black, E.W. (2012). Social media in medicine. New Forums Press, Stillwater, Ok.





Black, E.W., Davidson, H., Paradise Black, N.M (2020). Establishing a sustainable, integrated pre-professional interprofessional simulation program. In Paige, Sonesh, Garbee and, Bonnano (Eds.) Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Interprofessional Team Training and Simulation. Springer, Cham.


Black, E. W., Thompson, L. A. (2018). Students with severe health impairment in k-12 online learning. In K. Kennedy & R.E. Ferdig (Eds.), Handbook of Research on K-12 Online and Blended Learning (2nd ed., pp. 207-216).  Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press.


Black, E.W. (2016). Students with other health impairments. In Wayer, N. (Ed.) Access for All: A Guide for Serving Students with Disabilities in Online and Blended Learning Environments. Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute, Lansing, Michigan.


Black, E.W., Stetten, N.E., Blue, A.V. (2016). Engaging service learning in interprofessional education: The University of Florida experience. In Edwards, M.E. (Ed.) Interprofessional Education and Medical Libraries: Partnering for Success. Rowman & Littlefield, Latham, Maryland.


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A. (2012). Geolocated social media in health care. In Boateng & Black (Eds.), Social Media in Medicine. New Forums Press, Stillwater, OK. 


Black, E.W., Ferdig, R.E., DiPietro, J.C., Liu, F., Whalen, B. (2011). Visual analyses of the creation of avatars. In Ferdig, R.E. (Ed.), Discoveries in Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations: New Interdisciplinary Applications. IGI Global, Hershey, PA.


Ferdig, R.E., Black, E.W., Mulkey, K. (2010). Exploring and expanding on lessons learned from K-12 virtual schools. In R.E. Ferdig & C. Cavanaugh (Eds.) Effective Practice in Virtual Schools. North American Council for Online Learning NACOL, Vienna, VA.


Kumar, S., Black,  E.W. (2010). Online education and virtual schooling. In L. Ciccomascolo & E. Sullivan (Eds.) Dimensions of Physical Education and Health Education: An Introduction to the Discipline. Boston: Jones and Bartlett.


Black, E.W., Dawson, K., Ferdig, R.E. (2009). Forgotten alumni: Online learners as donors. In Pierson, M.R., Stang, K.K. & Varner, B.(Eds.), Sound Instruction: Assessment and Consultation Volume II. Academic Exchange Quarterly, Stuyvesant Falls, NY.


DiPietro, J.C., Black, E.W. (2008). Visual analysis in gaming environments. In Ferdig, R.E. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education. Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA. 





Tadros, J., Saidi, A., Black, E.W., Cattier, C., Rackley, J.S., Kimbro, A.K., Clifford, S.A., Martin, E.S., Pietra, B.A., Fricker, F.J., Gupta, D. (2022). End-of-life decision making in pediatric heart transplant families: A study analyzing the parental perspective. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 41(4), S503.  


Black, E.W. (2020). Using adult learning principles to create effective instruction. CDC Find TB Resources Newsletter February 2020. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available: https://findtbresources.cdc.gov/newsletter/newsletter20Feb.html


Yasova-Barbeau, D., Bhatt, A., Ward, P., Black, E.W., Black, N.M.P. (2019). Reaching 100%: Strategics for improved academic performance in general pediatrics board examinations. Academic Pediatrics, 19(6), e19.


Smith, R. Philip, J., Black, E.W., Schoeneberg, L., Joseph, N. (2018). Implementation of an in situ simulation curriculum to increase pediatric resident code confidence. Critical Care Medicine, 47(1), 684.


Blue, A.V., Black, E.W., Prins, C., Janelle, J., Urban, J., Buckley, T. (2018). Promoting interprofessional teamwork skills through public health concepts and HIV/AIDS care. Proceedings of The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health 2018 Annual Meeting and Undergraduate Public Health and Global Health Education Summit. ASPPH.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2018). Decreasing Behavioral Health Re-Admission Rates for Children’s Medical Services- Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2018). Well Child Visits During the First 15 Months of Life, Achieving Six or More Visits: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Gupta, M., Patel, J., Tyagi, D., Singh, A., Paradise Black, N.M., Munoz Pareja, J., Rohrs, H., Black, E.W. (2018). Virtual Crash Cart. Gainesville, FL


Jackson, J.T., Sibille, K., Black, E.W., Gibbs, M.B., Dodd, V.J., Adewumi, A. (2018). Interprofessional education: The impact of oral health. Proceedings of the American Dental Education Association 2017 Annual Meeting, Journal of Dental Education, 81(2), 214.


Black, E.W., Black, N.M.P. (2018). The University of Indianapolis and Community Health Network: An Evaluation of Interprofessional Education. Report submitted to the University of Indianapolis, 160 manuscript pages.


Rambarat, C.,Merritt, J., Black, E.W., Norton, H., Winchester, D. (2017). A systematic review of using simulation to teach echocardiography. Proceedings of the International Academy of Cardiology, Annual Scientific Sessions, 22nd World Congress on Heart Disease. Cardiology, 137(suppl 1), 135.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2017). Decreasing Behavioral Health Re-Admission Rates for Children’s Medical Services- Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2017). Well Child Visits During the First 15 Months of Life, Achieving Six or More Visits: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Wayer, N.M., Deschaine, M.E., Black, E.W., Kawohl, T., Porter, D. (2016). Access for all: A guide for serving students with disabilities in online and blended learning environments. Lansing, MI: Michigan Virtual Learning Institute.


Black, N. P., Fromme, H. B., Black, E., West, D. C., Lockspeiser, T., Michelson, C., ...Winn, A. (2016). Six Months of Individualization: Have We Hit the Mark? A National Survey of Pediatric Residency Programs. Academic Medicine, 91(11), S13-S14.


Black, E.W. (2016). Southeastern AID Education Training Center Interprofessional Education Interviews. Gainesville, FL: Redleaf Productions.


Black, E.W. (2016). Why isn't learning about public health a larger part of becoming a doctor? (2016). The Conversation. Available: https://theconversation.com/why-isnt-learning-about-public-health-a-larger-part-of-becoming-a-doctor-45413


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2016). Decreasing Behavioral Health Re-Admission Rates for Children’s Medical Services- Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2016). Well Child Visits During the First 15 Months of Life, Achieving Six or More Visits: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Blankenburg, R., Long, M., Paradise Black, N.M., King, M., Maniscalco, J., Ottolini, M. Black, E.W., Fromme, H.B. (2016). National faculty development program shows promise in helping clinicians develop clinical teaching skills. Academic Pediatrics, 16(6), e39-e40.


Paradise Black, N.M., Gonuguntla, A., Fromme, H.B., Disterl, C., Winn, A., Dietz, P., Lockepeiser, T., Meyer, C., Cleveland, J., Southgate, W.M., Bass, L., Loharikar, A., Abramson, E., West, D., Blankenburg, R. (2016). Six months of individualization-Have we hit the mark? A national survey of pediatric programs. Academic Pediatrics, 16(6), e23.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2015). Decreasing Behavioral Health Re-Admission Rates for Children’s Medical Services- Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2015). Well Child Visits During the First 15 Months of Life, Achieving Six or More Visits: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Blue, A., Black, E.W., Pfeifle, A., Norton, J., Aulisio, M., Ballard, J., Mauldin, M., Leaphart, A., Borckard, J., Schorn, M., Davidson, H., Miller, B., Rockhold, R. (2015). Collaborating to improve patient safety: A curriculum guide.


Pfeifle, A., Elandson, E., Frazer, R., Gordy, C., Hilton, B., Stone, G., Norton, J., Aulisio, M., Ballard, J., Blue, A., Black, E.W., Mauldin, M., Leaphart, A., Borckard, J., Schorn, M., Davidson, H., Miller, B., Rockhold, R. (2015). A collaborative approach to care transitions: A curriculum guide.


Black, E.W., Blue, A.V,  Foss, J.J. (2015). Using team-based learning in interprofessional education to promote content knowledge and team skills acquisition. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69(1).


Schorn, M. N., Wu, A., Davidson, H. A., Black, E.W., Rockhold, R. (2014). Interprofessional education (IPE): Synchronous, asynchronous, clinical practice, simulation across disciplines, across universities. Medical Science Educator, 24(1), 1-3.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2014). Improving the Rate of Child and Adolescent Immunizations for Children’s Medical Services Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Breitinger,  P., Mulitalo, K., Rice, R., Davidson, R., Black, E.W. (2014). Interprofessional learning in healthcare (IPLH): One school's experience. The Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 25(1), 20.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2014). Decreasing Behavioral Health Re-Admission Rates for Children’s Medical Services- Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration. 


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2014). Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Rate of Lead Screening in Duval County: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2014). Well Child Visits During the First 15 Months of Life, Achieving Six or More Visits: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Pemberton, D., Hardt, N., Thorman, A., Roth, J., Black, E.W., Langley, L., Estrella, R., Fletcher, M., Clarry, S., Bischoff, J.E. (2014). Statewide needs assessment on the demand, supply, and quality of early learning programs in florida. A study prepared for the Florida Office of Early Learning. The University of Florida College of Education Lastinger Center and the University of Florida College of Medicine Family Data Center. 


Black, E.W. (2013). An evaluation of collaborative interdisciplinary health-related community Projects. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27, 190.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2013). Decreasing Behavioral Health Re-Admission Rates for Children’s Medical Services- Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2013). Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Rate of Lead Screening in Duval County: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2013). Well Child Visits During the First 15 Months of Life, Achieving Six or More Visits: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2012). Decreasing Behavioral Health Re-Admission Rates for Children’s Medical Services- Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2012). Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Rate of Lead Screening in Duval County: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2012). Well Child Visits During the First 15 Months of Life, Achieving Six or More Visits: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2012). Improving the Rate of Child and Adolescent Immunizations for Children’s Medical Services Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Malec, L., Black, E.W., Boateng, B., Van Deusen, R. (2011). A multi-site study comparing medical student and faculty opinions regarding online professionalism. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 24, S138-S139.


Black, E.W.  Barry, J. (2011). Decreasing Behavioral Health Re-Admission Rates for Children’s Medical Services- Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2011). Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Rate of Lead Screening in Duval County: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2011). Well Child Visits During the First 15 Months of Life, Achieving Six or More Visits: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2011). Improving the Rate of Child and Adolescent Immunizations for Children’s Medical Services Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Paradise Black, N.M., Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A. (2010) The debate is not over. [E-letter], Pediatrics (May 5, 2010).


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2010). Decreasing Behavioral Health Re-Admission Rates for Children’s Medical Services- Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2010). Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Rate of Lead Screening in Duval County: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2010). Well Child Visits During the First 15 Months of Life, Achieving Six or More Visits: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Black, E.W., Barry, J. (2010). Improving the Rate of Child and Adolescent Immunizations for Children’s Medical Services Duval: A Program Improvement Project Report. A report prepared for Children’s Medical Services and the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W., Dawson, K., Ferdig, R.E., Paradise Black, N.M. (2008) Letter to the editor, author reply. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(7).


Paradise Black, N.M., Mills Collins, S., Black, E.W. (2008). Jugglers needed! How hospitalists can create balance between patient care, education and work during family-centered rounds. Hospital Pediatrics, 2, 22-23.


Ferdig, R.E., DiPietro, M. Black, E.W. (2007). Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from the michigan virtual school; School years 2006-2007. Report submitted to the Michigan Virtual School.





Black, E.W. (2022). Adult learning principles for the creation of effective training for healthcare professionals working with people living with HIV. Invited presentation for the AIDS Education and Training Centers. Nashville, TN, April 20, 2022.


Black, E.W. (2022). Best practices for effective education and training. Spaulding Rehabilitation Center. Cambridge, MA, February 8, 2022.


Black, E.W. (2022). Optimizing education and training of healthcare professionals: Best practices in measurement and correlations to patient outcomes. Spaulding Rehabilitation Center. Cambridge, MA, February 1, 2022.


Black, E.W. (2021). Using adult learning principles to create effective training. Invited presentation for University of Florida Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases. Gainesville, FL, November 5, 2021.


Black, E.W. (2021). Facilitator in Howley, L. Current state and opportunities. Confronting health misinformation: Gaps and opportunities for health professions educators, a National Virtual Symposium, October 29, 2021.


Black, E.W. (2021). Facilitator in Tesema, N. Using medical students as champions against misinformation during a global pandemic. Confronting health misinformation: Gaps and opportunities for health professions educators, a National Virtual Symposium, October 29, 2021.


Raponi, J., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2020). Dental student perceptions of teamwork during an interprofessional service learning experience. NEXUS Summit, Minneapolis, MN, August 6, 2020.


Raponi, J., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V., Gibbs, M., Lukose, K. (2020). Integration of dental students into a clinic for medically complex vulnerable patients. NEXUS Summit, Minneapolis, MN, August 13, 2020.


Black, E.W. (2020). Using adult learning principles to create effective training. Invited presentation for the AIDS Education and Training Centers. Nashville, TN, June 3, 2020.


Black, E.W. (2019). Using adult learning principles to create effective training for infectious disease healthcare professionals. Invited presentation for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Tuberculosis Education and Training Network. Atlanta, GA, December 12, 2019. As of 12/2021, over 11,000 views on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDfce4FsiT4.


Black, E.W. (2019). Health systems science, data and the athletic trainer: Data as a tool for enhancing patient experiences, reducing costs, improving outcomes and increasing workplace satisfaction. Invited presentation for the Athletic Trainers Association of Florida Annual Clinical Symposium. Kissimmee, FL, July 14, 2019.


Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2019). Interprofessional team structure and collaboration in a rural nursing-led clinic. Invited presentation for the AIDS Education and Training Centers. Nashville, TN, June 12, 2019.


Black, E.W. (2019). Facilitating interprofessional experiential learning activities. Invited presentation for the Triad Interprofessional Health Education Center, High Point, NC, January 16, 2019.


Black, E.W. (2017). Considering innovation in contemporary health sciences education. Invited presentation, the University of Florida College of Nursing Celebration of Research. Gainesville, FL,  March 31, 2017.


Black, E.W. (2017). Considering innovation in contemporary health sciences education. Invited presentation, the University of Florida College of Dentistry Inaugural Education Week. Gainesville, FL, February 8, 2017.


Black, E.W. (2016). Faculty as teachers. Invited presentation,Sacred Heart Health System, Pensacola, FL, December 13, 2016.


Black, E.W., White, C. (2016). Faculty as teachers. Invited presentation, Orlando Regional Medical Center. Orlando, FL, September 16, 2016.


Black, E.W. (2015). Interprofessional education: Implications for faculty and administration. Invited presentation Chapman University, Irvine, CA, July 31, 2015.


Black, E.W. (2014). The social internet: A 2014 primer for children's healthcare providers. Grand rounds presentation at Winnie Palmer Children's Hospital, Orlando, FL, December, 16, 2014.


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W. (2013). The social internet for digital natives and digital immigrants: A primer for NNPs. Invited presentation at the 2013 Florida Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, Clearwater, FL, October, 18, 2013. 


Black, E.W., Davidson, R.A. (2013). Interprofessional education. Experiences, learnings and the future. Invited presentation. St. Petersburg College Department of Health Sciences, St. Petersburg, FL,  August, 15, 2013.


Black, E.W. (2012). The social internet: What is it? What will it be? With implications for medical professionals. Invited presentation at the 2012 Dow Graduate Association of North American Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, April 7, 2012. 


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W.(2012). The Social Internet: a primer for small group leaders at UF, Gainesville, FL, October 2-3, 2012. 


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W., Das, R., Sullivan, S., Ryngaert, M., Roth J. (2011). Maternal Body Mass Index and Breastfeeding Intentionality, Platform presentation at the 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Denver CO, April 30, 2011.


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W. (2011). Social Media at the Intersection of Contemporary Medical Practice: Ethical and Legal Implications. Hospital Insurance Forum, Scottsdale, AZ, April 4, 2011.





Black, E.W. (Host) in James, C., Lomis, K. (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: What Medical Educators Need to Know. AAMC Building Better Curriculum: New and Emerging Trends in Health Professions Education Virtual Learning Series. Virtual. December, 16, 2021.


Smith, K., Farland, M., Black, E.W., Prewett, M., Gardner, A., Richards, B., Dean, T., Robinson, J., Dickson, M., Reed, B. (2021). Panel Discussion. Inaugural Symposium on Situational Judgement Tests in Health Professions Education. Virtual. August 4, 2021.


Black, E.W., Farland, M., Arnold, J., Buchs, S., Gardner, A., Reed, B. (2021). Panel Discussion. Inaugural Symposium on Situational Judgement Tests in Health Professions Education. Virtual. August 4, 2021.


Black, E.W., O’Laughlin, J., Vu, T., Weems, K., Howley, L. (2021). Patient, Family and Community Engaged Quality Improvement and Patient Safety: A Curricular Review. Platform presentation. Institute for Healthcare Improvement Forum, Virtual. May 13, 2021.


Tadros, H.J., Saidi, A., Rawlinson, A.R., Black, E.W., Rackley, J.S., Breault, L.M., Martin, E.S., Clifford, S., Kimbro, A., Lopez-Colon, D., Pietra, B.A., Fricker, F.J., Gupta, D. (2021). Assessment of parental decision making in congenital heart disease and heart transplantation. Platform presentations. Pediatric Academic Societies. Virtual. May 2, 2021.


Prewett, M., Black, E.W. (2020). The efficacy of a peer feedback intervention for performance development. Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting. Virtual, June 18, 2020.


Black, E.W., Prewett, M., Schrock, B., Rush, C., Blue, A.V. (2019). Situational judgement tests (SJTs): Outcomes associated with an emergent assessment methodology in interprofessional education. Oral presentation at Collaborating Across Borders VII, Indianapolis, IN, October 22, 2019.


Black, E.W., Dickson, T., Lockeman, K., Dow, A. (2019). Missteps, mistakes and misadventures: Programmatic problem-solving and the current and future of assessment in interprofessional education. Symposium at Collaborating Across Borders VII, Indianapolis, IN, October 21, 2019.


Rush, C., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2019). A community-based, patient-centered, interprofessional service learning experience for pre-clinical students. Oral presentation at Collaborating Across Borders VII, Indianapolis, IN, October 21, 2019.


Rush, C., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2019). Putting families first: An interprofessional education program. Oral presentation at the National Center for Interprofessional Practice 2019 Nexus Summit. Minneapolis, MN, August 19, 2019.


Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2019).Exploring health professions students self and peer teamwork evaluations using item response theory.  Poster presented at Pediatric Science Day. Gainesville, FL, June 13, 2019.


Irons, R., Neu, J., Black, E.W. (2019). Drain placement for pneumoperitoneum in preterm neonates: Are we misdiagnosing these babies? Poster presentation at 2019 Pediatric Academic Societies. Baltimore, MD, April, 30, 2019.


Gill Young, N., Stephen, A., Matrone, C., Black, E.W. (2019). Interprofessional, simulation-based communication training for senior health profession students: Learning outcomes for directed observers versus simulation performers. Poster presented at University of Florida College of Nursing Research Day. April 12, 2019.


Figueroa, A., Henderson, R., Giordano, C., Black, E.W. (2019). Senior medical student's impressions of interprofessional teamwork. Poster presentation at AAMC Southern Group of Educational Affairs Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, March, 30, 2019.


Michel, J., Buscher, J., Black, E.W. (2019). Advanced pediatric essentials: A transition to residency elective. Oral presentation at AAMC Southern Group of Educational Affairs Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, March, 30, 2019. 


Austin-Datta, E.L., Moorhouse, M., Matrone, C., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2019). Examining the reliability and construct validity of the interprofessional collaborative competency attainment survey (ICCAS): A rasch analysis. Oral presentation at AAMC Southern Group of Educational Affairs Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, March, 29, 2019.


Black, E.W., Prewett, M., Schrock, B., Blue, A.V. (2019). Situational judgement tests (SJTs): Outcomes associated with an emergent assessment methodology in interprofessional education. Oral presentation at AAMC Southern Group of Educational Affairs Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, March, 29, 2019.


Smith, T., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2019). Using text analytics to explore health professions' students perspectives on teams and teamwork associated with a longitudinal interprofessional service learning experience. Oral presentation at AAMC Southern Group of Educational Affairs Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, March, 29, 2019.


Figueroa, A., Henderson, R., Giordano, C., Black, E.W. (2019). Senior medical student's impressions of interdisciplinary teamwork: Using the "Big Five" model. Poster presented at the 2019 University of Florida College of Medicine Research Poster Session. Gainesville, FL, February, 19, 2019.


Matrone, C.E., Garbutt, S., Stephen, A., Gill Young, N., Black, E.W. (2018). Interprofessional, simulation-based communication training: Learning outcomes for senior medical and nursing students. Academy for Communication in Healthcare Research Forum, Tampa, FL, June 3, 2018.


Michel, J., Buscher, J., Sites, J., Dibert, T., Castro, D., Black, E.W. (2018). Advanced pediatric essentials: Preparation for residency. Poster presented at the University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville Medical Education Week. April 29, 2018.


Matrone, C.E., Garbutt, S., Stephen, A., Gill Young, N., Black, E.W. (2018). Interprofessional, simulation-based communication training: Learning outcomes for senior medical and nursing students. Southern Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting, Jackson, MI, April 21, 2018. 


McIntyre, D., DiFabio, B., Derrick, M., Rizvi, S., Butters, O., Bleeker, T., Black, E.W., Black, N.M.P. (2018). Program self-evaluation and educational practice improvement of senior pediatric residents' perceptions of procedural competence. Poster presented at UF Patient Safety and Quality Week, Gainesville, FL, April 18, 2018.


Davis, A., Black, E.W. (2018). Food security assessment of a small city in northern Florida. Poster presented at the University of Florida College of Medicine Celebration of Research, February 19, 2018. 


Black, E.W. (2017). Mentorship and peer support for career advancement and wellness. Grand rounds presentation at the University of Florida Department of Pediatrics, October 12, 2017.


Schentrup, D., Whalen, K., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2017). The impact of an interprofessional care team in a nurse-led clinic. Paper presented at Collaborating Across Borders VI, Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 4, 2017.


Chhabria, K., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V.(2017). Psychometric validation of the modified comprehensive assessment of team member effectiveness tool for health science graduate students. Paper presented at Collaborating Across Borders VI, Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 3, 2017.


Pfeifle, A., Blue, A.V., Black, E.W., Taylor, J., Goletz, S., Chazdon, S. (2017). Determining interprofessional education at the organizational and community levels. Workshop presented at Collaborating Across Borders VI, Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 3, 2017.


Garbutt, S., Haddad, L., Black, E.W., Matrone, C. (2017). Breaking down silos: A collaborative approach to interprofessional education. National League of Nursing Educational Summit, San Diego, CA, September 17, 2017.


Davis, A., Black, E.W. (2017). Community food security assessment of a small city in northern Florida. Poster presented at the 4th Annual Pediatric Medical Student Research Forum. Orlando, FL, September, 2, 2017.


Rambarat, C., Merritt, J., Black, E.W., Norton, H., Winchester, D. (2017). Systematic review of using simulation to teach echocardiography. International Academy of Cardiology Annual Meeting. Vancouver, CA, July 15, 2017.


Mercado, R.E., Kelly, M.N., Herring, C.E., Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W., Kockler, V.H. (2017). Impact of a faculty-led small group smoking cessation activity on medical student performance. Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 6, 2017.


Jackson, J.T., Sibille, K., Black, E.W., Gibbs, M.B., Dodd, V.J., Adewumi, A. Interprofessional education: The impact of oral health. Poster presentation at the American Dental Education Associate Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, March 18, 2017.


Merritt, J., Rambarat, C., Black, E.W., Norton, H., Winchester, D. (2017). Systematic review of using simulation to teach echocardiography. University of Florida College of Medicine Celebration of Research. Gainesville, FL, February 27, 2017.


Schentrup, D., Whalen, K.L., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2017). Building an interprofessional care team in a rural health center. American Association of Colleges of Nursing Practice Conference, San Diego, CA, January 18, 2017.


Castenada, G., Lorenzo, F., Alabduljabbar, M., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2016). Using the Comprehensive assessment of team member effectiveness (CATME) to evaluate interprofessional student teamwork in a longitudinal interprofessional learning experience. (2016) Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education Conference. Philadelphia, PA, October 29, 2016.


Estrada, D., Estrada, A., Stetten, N., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V., McGehee, B., Dunleavy, K., Behar-Horenstein, L. (2016). The service learning IPE model: Implementation and results from qualitative studies: programmatic considerations for interprofessional education – the University of Florida experience. Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education Conference. Philadelphia, PA, October 29, 2016.


Byrne, A., Blue, A.V., Knapp, C.G, Black, E.W. (2016). What's in it for the community? Health related quality of life outcomes associated with interprofessional service learning. Poster presented at Beyond Flexner: Social Mission in Health Professions Education, Miami, FL, September 20, 2016.


Black, E.W., White, C. (2016). Faculty as teachers. Workshop, University of Florida College of Medicine, September 15, 2016.


Paradise Black, N.M., Gonuguntla, A., Black, E.W.,...Blankenburg, R. (2016). Six months of individualization - Have we hit the mark? A national survey of pediatric programs. Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, New Orleans, March 30, 2016.


Blankenburg, R., Long, M., Pardise Black, N.M., Maniscalco, J., Ottolini, M., Black, E.W., Fomme, B. (2016). National faculty development program shows promise in helping clinicians develop clinical teaching skills. Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, New Orleans, March 30, 2016.


Black, E.W., Blue, A.V., McCormack, W. (2015). Promoting interprofessional knowledge and skills through team based learning. Paper presented at the Association for the Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 15, 2015.


Schentrup, D., Whalen, K., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2015). Building interprofessional team effectiveness in a nurse-managed health clinic. Paper presented at the Association for the Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 15, 2015.


Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2015). Connecting teamwork observations with student perspectives on interprofessional education, a large cohort study.Paper presented at the Association for the Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 15, 2015.


Stetten, N., Black, E.W., Murray, G., Blue, A.V. (2015). Goal orientation in interprofessional health sciences education within the context of an early service learning experience. Paper presented at the Association for the Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 15, 2015.


Ballard, J., Blue, A., Pfeifle, A., Black, E.W., Mauldin, M., Schorn, M., Davidson, H., Rockhold, R., Borckardt, J., Norton, J. (2015). Strong enough to bend: Flexible interprofesional education online modules. Workshop presented at Collaborating Across Borders V, Roanoke, VA, September 30, 2015. 


Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2015). Interprofessional education in the community: Lessons learned from 18 years. Poster presented at Collaborating Across Borders V, Roanoke, VA, September 30, 2015. 


Long, M., Paradise Black, N.M., Maniscalco, J., King, M., Blankenburg, B., Ottolini, M., Black, E.W., Fromme, H.B. (2015). Pediatric hospitalist educator training program: A novel national program to supplement local faculty development efforts. Poster presented at the 2015 Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP), New Orleans, LA, March 11, 2015.


Maniscalco, J., King., M., Paradise Black, N.M., Blackenburg, B., Long, M., Otolini, M.C., Black, E.W., Fromme, H.B. (2015). Early outcomes from a national faculty development program for pediatric hospitalist clinical educators. Poster presented at the 2015 University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Medical Education Week.


Shaw, C., Black, E.W., Cooper, L.A., Tan, S. (2015). Evaluation of NBME self examination scores after implementation of a novel tablet application. Poster presented at University of Florida College of Medicine Celebration of Research, Gainesville, FL, February 9, 2015.

Horky, S., Andreola, J., Black, E.W., Lossius, M. (2015). Evaluation of a curriculum for teaching cross cultural communication to pediatric residents. Poster presented at University of Florida College of Medicine Celebration of Research, Gainesville, FL, February 9, 2015.


Black, E.W. (2014). Creating and publishing educational scholarship. Workshop presentation at The University of Florida Health Science Center, Gainesville, FL, December, 18, 2014.


Black, E.W. (2014). Interprofessional Curriculum Development and Integration in Health Science Colleges: A Full-Day Workshop. Invited workshop presented at Brenau University. Gainesville, GA, October 30, 2014.


Stetten, N., Blue, A., Black, E.W. (2014). Goal orientation in health sciences education within the context of an early service learning experience. Poster presented at the 2014 University of Florida Graduate Student Research Day. Gainesville, FL, October 28, 2014.


Sorenson, B.,  Dougherty, B.S., Black, E.W., Silverstein, J.H. (2014). Comparison of Effectiveness of Glulisine, Lispro, and Aspart in Decreasing Postprandial Hyperglycemia in a Real-World Setting. Platform presentation at the 2014 Pediatric Medical Student Research Forum Orlando, FL, August 30, 2014. 


Blue, A.V., Black, E.W., McCormack, W. (2014). Using team-based learning in interprofessional education to promote content knowledge and team skills. Poster presentation. All Together Better Health 7. Pittsburgh, PA, June 8, 2014.


Blue, A.V., Black, E.W., Cooper, L.A., Davidson, R. (2014). Presence of social desirability in learner attitudes towards interprofessional education. Poster presentation. All Together Better Health 7. Pittsburgh, PA, June 8, 2014.


Pfeifle, A., Blue, A.V., Leaphart, A.E., Black, E.W. (2014). Development of the team competencies instrument: A behaviorally based instrument for assessing team proficiency. Paper presentation. All Together Better Health 7. Pittsburgh, PA, June 8, 2014.


Patel, C., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2014). Interinstitutional interprofessional education: Using team-based learning with diverse learners from different institutions. Paper presentation. All Together Better Health 7. Pittsburgh, PA, June 8, 2014.


Schorn, M. (Moderator), Black, E.W., Davidson, H., Wu, A., Rockhold, R. (2014). Interprofessional education (IPE): Synchronous, asynchronous, clinical practice, simulation across disciplines, across universes. Plenary. International Association of Medical Science Educators, Nashville, TN, June 8, 2014.


Black, E.W., Davidson, H., Pfeifle, A., Rockhold, R., Schorn, M. (2014). Role of the basic scientist in interprofessional education. Full-day workshop. International Association of Medical Science Educators, Nashville, TN, June 7, 2014.


Kelly, M.N., Black, E.W., Ryan, K., Tuli, S., Novak, M.N. (2014). Transition to practice: Does a formal elective improve resident practices? Poster presented at the 2014 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., May 3, 2014.


Kelly, M.N., Black, E.W., Hendricks, J.J, Collins, S.W. (2014). The evaluation of a night float hospital experience during the thrid year pediatric clerkship. Poster presented at the 2014 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., May 4, 2014.


Ast, A., Light, J., Slayton, B., Black, E.W., Holland, C. (2014). Decreasing time to antibiotic delivery for febrile immunocompromised patients in the pediatric emergency department. Poster presented at UFHealth Quality and Patient Safety Week, Gainesville, FL, March 5, 2014. 


Paradise Black, N.M., Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A., Kelly, M.N., Keith, B., Miller, J., Herzog, R., Byrne, B., Lawrence, R.M.  University of Florida Pediatric Residency Track Program. Poster Symposium for Individualized Curricula at the 2014 Annual Spring Meeting of the Association of Pediatric Program Directors, Chicago, Illinois.


Pfiefle, A., Ballard, J., Black, E.W., Blue, A.V., Davidson, R.A., Didlake, R.H., Miller, B., Norman, L., Rockhold, R. (2013). Southeast consortium for interprofessional education: Using blended interprofessional e-Learning to teach collaborative practice, principles of patient safety and quality, and improving transitions of care. Paper presentation at 2013 Collaborating Across Boarders IV, Vancouver, B.C., June 12, 2013. 


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A. (2013). The health of virtual school participants. Paper presentation at the 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Special Interest Group on E-learning, Washington, D.C., May 5, 2013.


Esernio-Jenssen, D., Perez, L., Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W. (2013). Association of obesity and failure to thrive to specific types of child maltreatment. Poster presentation at the 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 7, 2013.


Esernio-Jenssen, D., Black, E.W. (2013). "Take a Break, Don't Shake" and "Sleep Safety": School-based prevention initiatives. Poster presentation at the 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 7, 2013.


Hoo-Chuah, J., Black, E.W., Kelly, M.N., Thompson, L.A., Lok, B. (2013). Applying mixed reality to simulate protected populations for practicing clinical communications skills. Paper presentation at the 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 5, 2013.


Bruner, N., Thompson, L.A., Saliba, H., Black, E.W., Peoples-Sheps, M. (2013). Parents opinions about breastfeeding in public and in the work setting. Poster presentation at the 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2013.


Moran, R., El Shaik, D., Black, E.W., Lok, B. (2013). Preparing for low probability encounters with high consequence: Using a screen-based virtual human program to simulate uncommon pediatric cases. Platform presentation at the 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 5, 2013.

Sorenson, B., Black, E.W., Dougherty, B.S., Silverstein, J.H. (2013). Comparison of Effectiveness of Glulisine, Lispro, and Aspart in Decreasing Post-Prandial Hyperglycemia in a Real-World Setting. Poster presentation at the 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2013.


Brunner, N., Thompson, L.A., Saliba, H., Black, E.W., Peoples-Sheps, M. (2013). Parents' opinions about breastfeeding in public and in the work setting. Paper presented at  2013 Southern Group on Educational Affairs, Savannah, GA, April 18, 2013.


Garcia, A., Black, E.W., Forlenza, G., Saliba, H. (2013). Parents' food choices and perceptions of food nutritional value. Paper presented at  2013 Southern Group on Educational Affairs, Savannah, GA, April 18, 2013.


Saliba, H., Carter, C.G., Black, E.W., Martinko, T. (2013). Medical fraud in the digital age: What providers need to know about websites that coach patients on what to say to ge certain prescriptions. Paper presented at  2013 Southern Group on Educational Affairs, Savannah, GA, April 18, 2013.


Stalvey, C., Black, E.W., Paradise Black, N.M. (2013). Using a comprehensive intern OSCE for the initial assessment of NAS milestones. Workshop presented at the 2013 APPD Spring Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 12, 2013.


Perez, L., Esernio-Jenssen, D., Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W. (2013). Association of obesity and failure to thrive to specific types of child maltreatment. Poster presentation at the UF MSRP Research Day, Gainesville, FL, April 11, 2013.


Sorenson, B., Black, E.W., Dougherty, B.S., Silverstein, J.H. (2013). Comparison of Effectiveness of Glulisine, Lispro, and Aspart in Decreasing Post-Prandial Hyperglycemia in a Real-World Setting. Poster presentation at the UF MSRP Research Day, Gainesville, FL, April 11, 2013.


Stalvey, C., Black, E.W. (2013). Using a comprehensive intern OSCE for the initial assessment of NAS milestones. Workshop presented at the 2013 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Orlando, FL, March 2, 2013.


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W. (2012) Medical students' health risks and online displays of alcohol use. Presentation at the DHCX 2013 Conference, Orlando, Florida, February 21, 2013.


Tuli, S.Y., Kelly, M.N., Thompson, L.A., Saliba, H.S., Black, E.W. Improvement in Quality and Education in a Pediatric Resident Continuity Clinic through Implementation of Electronic Medical Records: An Update, for the DHCX 2013 Conference, Orlando Florida, February 21 2013.


Kelly, M.N., Black, E.W., Ryan, K., Tuli, S., Novak, M. (2012). Transition to practice: Does a formal elective improve resident practices? Poster presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 28, 2012.


Kelly, M.N., Black, E.W., Tuli, S., Novak, M. (2012). Transition to practice: Are pediatric residency programs preparing residents for transition to primary care? Poster presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 28, 2012.


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W. (2012) Medical students' health risks and online displays of alcohol use. Poster presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 28, 2012.


Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W., Schentrup, A.M., Saliba, H., Vazie, A. (2012). Parents' knowledge of and options about adolescent health care and applicable laws. Poster presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 28, 2012.


Minarich, L.A., Black, E.W., Dougherty, E.L., Molina, A.L., Vothang, T.K., Silverstein, J.H. (2012). Comparison of effectiveness of glulisine and lispro in decreasing post-prandial hyperglycermia in a real-world setting. Poster presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 28, 2012.


Manion, E.L., Thompson, L.A., Black, E.W., Esernio-Jenssen, D., Hardt, N., Das, R., Roth, J. (2012). Identifying pregnancy indicators for child maltreatment. Poster presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 28, 2012. 


Black, EW, Torres, HI, Davidson, R. (2011). An evaluation of collaborative interdisciplinary health community projects. Paper presented at the 2011 Collaborating Across Borders III Conference, Tucson, AZ, November 20, 2011. 


Ryan, K.A., Saliba, H., Osakwe, O., McConnell, D., Pallas, P., Mellot, J., Carter, C., Tuli, S., Dumont-Driscoll, M., Thompson, L.A., Black EW, Nackashi, J. (2011) Comparison of MRSA colonization among children in university daycare facilities. Poster presentation at the 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, May 1, 2011.


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A., Light, J., Saliba, H., and Paradise Black, N.P. (2011)  Facebook use by emergency department health care providers in an academic medical center. Poster presentation at the 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Denver CO, May 2, 2011.


Osakwe, O., Saliba, H.S., Black, E.W., Thompson LA., Paulk, E, Keith, B. (2011) Longitudinal trends in the management of staphylococcus aureus infctions by pediatric hospitalists. Poster presentation at the 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Denver CO, May 11, 2011.


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A., Giunta, Saliba, H, Tuli, S.Y., Fillips, D. and Nackashi, J. (2011)  The intersection of medicine and the judiciary system: Involuntary mental health admissions of children with special health care needs. Poster presentation at the 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Denver CO, May 3, 2011.


Thompson, L.A., Hinojosa, M., Knapp, C., Hinjosa, R., and Black, E.W. (2011)  Pediatrician's perceptions of ADHD in primary care. Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference, Tampa, FL, March 21, 2011.


Malec, L., Boateng, B.A., Black, E.W., VanDeusen R. (2011). A multisite study comparing medical student and faculty opinions regarding online professionalism. Society for General Internal Medicine,  34th Annual Meeting. May 4-7, 2011. Phoenix, AZ


Black, E.W., Malec, L., Van Deusen, R., Boateng, B.A., Thompson, L. (2011) A multisite analysis of medical faculty and student opinions of professionalism in an online social network.  2011 Southern Group of Educational Affairs April 14 -16, 2011. Houston, TX


Boateng, B.A., Malec, L., VanDeusen, R., Black, E.W. (2011) Online professionalism though a multigenerational lens: Lessons from three medical schools. RIME (Research in Medical Education) conference at the AAMC. November 4-9, 2011 in Denver, CO.


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A., Ashkenazy, N., Ferdig, R.E., Kisker, T. (2010). As assessment of the health of virtual school participants and an innovative outreach program for chronically ill children.  Paper presented at the Virtual School Symposium (VSS), 2010, Glendale, AZ. 


Liu, F., Black, E.W., Algina, J. Parental involvement in virtual schooling: The validation of an instrument to measure parental involvement mechanisms. Paper presented at the American educational Research Association (AERA) 2010 Conference. Denver, CO.


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A., Saliba, H., Dawson, K., Paradise Black, N.M. Much ado about nothing: Healthcare providers online ratings. Poster presentation at the 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., 2010.


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A., Dawson, K., Saliba, H., Paradise Black, N.M.. Revisiting social network utilization by physicians-in-training. Poster presentation at the 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., 2010.


Ryan, K., Ifantides C.,  Bucciarelli C., Black EW, Saliba H, Thompson LA. Gymnasium surfaces are not a source of community staphylococcal infections. Poster presentation at the 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., 2010.


Siddiqi, S., Saliba, H., Black, E.W. The effects of stimulant medications on growth velocity. Poster presentation at the 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., 2010.


Kelly, M., Paradise Black, N.M., Black, E., Harrel, S., Saliba, H., Thompson, L.A. Breastfeeding education and practices: An investigation of Florida’s academic medical institutions. Poster presentation at the 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., 2010.


Tuli, S., Thompson, L.A., Saliba, H., Ryan, K., Kelly, M., Mellot, J., Black, E.W. Pediatric Residents Gender, Learning Styles and Temperaments and their Relationship to Standardized Test Scores. Southern Group on Educational Affairs. Oklahoma City, OK, 2010. 


Saidi, A., Reiss, J., Breitinger, P., Paolillo, J., Black E.W., Collins S. Web-based learning is an effective method for educating pediatric residents about transition to adult subspecialty congential heart disease care. Poster presentation at the Southern Group on Educational Affairs, Oklahoma City, OK, 2010.


Kelly, M.N., Paradise Black, N.M, DiPietro, M., Black, E.W., Novak, M. (2009). Reflective practice and simulation in pediatric medical education. Poster presented at The Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (CEMSEP) 2009 Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.


Tuli, S.Y., Thompson, L., Black, E.W., Tuli, S.S., Ryan, K., Kelly, M., Mellot, J. (2009). Patterns of pediatric resident learning styles and temperaments. Poster presented at the 2009 Pediatric Academic Societies & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting. Baltimore, MD.


Kelly, M.N., Paradise Black, N.M.P., DiPietro, M., Black, E.W., Novak, M.A. (2009). Reflective practice and simulation in pediatric medical education. Poster presented at the 2009 Pediatric Academic Societies & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting. Baltimore, MD.


Ferdig, R.E., Black, E.W. (2008). Surprises in online learning: What the data show. Paper presented at the Michigan Virtual School Symposium, East Lansing, MA.


Mulkey, K., Polling, N., Ferdig, R.E., Black, E.W. (2008). Improving virtual schools: A collaborative research partnership. Symposium presented at the 2008 Virtual School Symposium. Phoenix, AZ.


Black, E.W. (2008). A discussion of familial involvement's influence on academic achievement in K-12 virtual schooling. Paper presented at the 4th Annual SAGE Symposium, Gainesville, FL.


Black, E.W., Thompson, L.A., Dawson, K., Ferdig, R.E., Paradise Black, N.M. (2008). The intersection of online social networking with medical professionalism. Paper presented at the 2008 Pediatric Academic Societies & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting. Honolulu, HI.


Kelly, M.N., Paradise Black, N.M.P., DiPietro, M., Black, E.W., Novak, M.A. (2008). Reflective practice and simulation in pediatric medical education. Poster presented at the 2008 Pediatric Academic Societies & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting. Honolulu, HI.


Paradise Black, N.M.P., Kelly, M.N., Black, E.W., DiPietro, M., Novak, M.A. (2008). Utilizing family centered care to facilitate reflective practice in medical students: A qualitative assessment. Poster Presented at the APA Special Interest Group on Hospitalist Medicine, 2008 Pediatric Academic Societies & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting. Honolulu, HI.


Kelly, M.N., Paradise Black, N.M, DiPietro, M., Black, E.W., Novak, M. (2008). Reflective practice and simulation in pediatric medical education. Poster presented at The Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (CEMSEP) 2008 Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.


Paradise Black, N.M, Kelly, M.N., Black, E.W., DiPietro, M., Novak, M. (2008). Understanding the educational impact of family-centered rounds on medical education using reflective assessments. Poster presented at The Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (CEMSEP) 2008 Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.


DiPietro, J.C., Black, E.W. (2008). Mixed methods for visual analysis in gaming environments. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2008 Conference. New York, NY.


Black, E.W., Paradise Black, N.M., Thompson, L., Ferdig, R.E., Dawson, K., Boyer, J., Coutts, J. (2008). Use of online social networking tools in medical education: Implications for teaching professionalism. Paper presented at the American educational Research Association (AERA) 2008 Conference. New York, NY.


Kelly, M.N., Paradise Black, N.M., DiPietro, M., Black, E.W., Novak, M.A. (2008). Reflective Education and Simulation in Pediatric Medical Education 2008 Southern Society for Pediatric Research, Southern Regional Meeting, New Orleans, LA.


Mulkey, K., Black, E.W., DiPietro, M., Boyer, J., Ferdig, R.E. (2007). Improving virtual schools: A collaborative research partnership. Symposium presented at 2007 Virtual School Symposium, Louisville, KY.


Black, E.W. (2007). Paper presented in S. Lowes (Chair), Recent research on online teaching and learning: Implications for practice. Symposium presented at 2007 Virtual School Symposium, Louisville, KY.


DiPietro, M., Black, E.W., Boyer, J., Mulkey, K., Ferdig, R.E. (2007). Instructional perspectives of best practices: Successful strategies in virtual school courses. Symposium presented at 2007 Virtual School Symposium, Louisville, KY.


Black, E.W., Dawson, K. (2007). Academic dishonesty in traditional and online classrooms: Does the "Media Equation" hold true? Poster presented at the 13th Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, FL.


Black, E.W. (2007). Wikipedia and academic peer review: A comparison. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual SAGE Symposium, Gainesville, FL.


Black, E.W. (2006). Facilitator in R. Blomeyer & M.D. Roblyer (Chair), Research on virtual schools: What we know now and what we need to know going forward. Symposium presented at the 2006 Virtual School Symposium, Plano, TX.


Ferdig, R.E., DiPietro, M., Black, E.W., Mulkey, K. (2006). A collaborative partnership aimed at improving virtual schooling. Symposium presented at the 2006 Virtual School Symposium, Plano, TX.


Black, E.W., Jinks, S. (2006). The application of the educational success prediction instrument (ESPRI) to an undergraduate population. Paper presentation at the 2006 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Orlando, FL.


Black, E.W., Dawson, K., Ferdig, R. E. (2006) Technology outcomes in post-secondary online education classrooms. Presented at the Society for Information technology & Teacher Education 2006 International Conference, Orlando, FL.


Black, E.W., Ferdig, R.E. (2006) Predicting the success and failure of online education students. Presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2006 International Conference, Orlando, FL.





Paradise Black, N.M., Black, R., Black, E.W., Gowen, T., Cresoe, S., Kajan, D.A., Wegner, A. (2021). Co-investistory ($2,586) entitled, Phasing Out Phlebotomoy Fear. UF Medical Guild.


Black, E.W. (2020). Primary Investigator ($41,770) entitled, Cross-Continuum Medical Education Consultancy. Association of American Medical Colleges.


Black, E.W., Blue, A.V. (2019). Research sub-contract ($191,600) entitled, Southeastern AIDS Education Training Center. Health Resources Services Administration.


Thompson, L.A., Rosenthal, C., Black, E.W., Theiss, R. (2018). Co-primary investigator for funded grant proposal ($43,218) entitled, A Mixed Method Evaluation of the ABP PIMs: Understanding the ABP Diplomat’s Perspectives and Experiences for Programmatic Enhancement. American Board of Pediatrics Foundation.


Black, E.W. (2018). Primary investigator for funded grant proposal ($5,190) entitled, A Portable Virtual Reality Hardware Platform for Pediatric Discovery: A Community Outreach Project. Children's Miracle Network.


Paradise Black, N.M., Smith R., Matrone, C., Black, E.W. (2017). Co-Primary investigator for funded grant proposal ($48,000) entitled, Infrastructure for Mastery Learning: Pediatric Resident and Fellow Simulation Curricula Development and Research. Children's Miracle Network.


Blue, A.V., Black, E.W. (2015). Research sub-contract ($191,600) entitled, Southeastern AIDS Education Training Center. Health Resources Services Administration.


Schentrup, D., Cotter, S., Whalen, Mangueria, S.H., Schwait, A., Kairalla, A.A., Blue, A.V., Black, E.W. (2014). Co-primary investigator for funded proposal ($1,468,408) entitled, Interprofessional Collaborative Practice at Archer Family Health Care. Health Resources and Services Administration.


Black, E.W. (2014). Research sub-contract ($4,700). Health disparities training pipeline: Medical services to the underserved. Jessie Ball duPont Fund


Peters, J., Sarosi, G., Cendan, J., Black, E.W. (2014). Co-primary investigator for funded grant proposal ($800,000) entitled, Safety Instruction and Competency Assessment for Laparoscopy, National Institutes of Health - National Library of Medicine.


Black, E.W. (2013). Research sub-contract ($36,000). Statewide needs assessment on the demand, supply, and quality of early learning programs in florida. State of Florida Office of Early Learning. 


Pfeifle, A., Blue, A., Black, E.W., Davidson, R. (2012). Co-primary investigator for funded grant proposal ($201,270) entitled, Southeast Consortium for Interprofessional Education: Using Blended Interprofessional e-Learning to Teach Collaborative Practice, Principles of Patient Safety and Quality and Improving Transitions of Care. Josiah Macy Jr Foundation. 


Black, E.W., Cavanaugh, C., Dawson, K. (2009). Primary investigator for funded grant proposal ($299,000) entitled, Online Medical Education Degree (OnMED): Androgogic Skills for 21st Century Clincal Medical Educators. US Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE).


Black, E.W., Stoyan-Rosenzweig, N., Paradise-Black, N.M., Kelly, M., Novak, M. (2009). Co-primary investigator for funded grant proposal ($1,300) entitled, Empirical Assessment of the Empathic Impact of Family Faculty Presentations on Medical Trainees. University of Florida COMEC fund.


Kelly, M., Novak, M.A., Paradise Black, N.M., Black, E.W.,  DiPietro, M. (2008). Co-investigator for funded grant proposal ($3,900) entitled, Medical Simulation in Pediatric Graduate Medical Education. University of Florida COMEC fund.


Thompson, L.A., Dawson, K., Ferdig, R.E., Paradise Black, N.M., Saliba, H., Black, E.W. (2008). Co-investigator for funded grant proposal ($22,134) entitled, Using the Media to Bridge Medical and Educational Approaches to Healthy Lifestyles for Children. University of Florida Faculty Community Grant Fund.


Kelly, M., Novak, M.A., Paradise Black, N.M., Black, E.W., DiPietro, M. (2007). Co-investigator for funded grant proposal ($5,000) entitled, Reflective Education and Medical Simulation in Pediatric Graduate Medical Education. Counsel of Medical Student Education in Pediatrics.


Paradise Black, N.M., Novak, M.A., Kelly, M., Black, E.W., DiPietro, M. (2007). Co-investigator for funded grant proposal ($5,000) entitled, Reflective Practice in Pediatric Family Centered Rounds. University of Florida COMEC fund. 





BMC Medical Education - Editorial Board

Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice - Associate Editor

Journal of Assessment in Higher Education - Editorial Board

Journal of Graduate Medical Education - Reviewer

Journal of Medical Internet Research - Reviewer

Academic Medicine - Reviewer

Family Medicine - Reviewer

Computers and Human Behavior - Reviewer

Teaching and Learning in Medicine - Reviewer





Kelsea LeBeau (Public Health, 2021)

Rajeeb Das (Research and Evaluation Methodology, 2019)

Timothy Miller (Educational Technology, 2019)

Meredith Bergeron (Educational Technology, 2018)

Jason Frank (Educational Technology, 2017)

Christopher Martin (Educational Technology, 2017)

Andrew Cordar (Computer Science, 2017)

Ceymone Dyce (Counselor Education, 2016)

Douglas Brown (Educational Technology, 2016)

Holli Seabury (Educational Technology, 2015)

T.J. Logan  (Educational Technology, 2015)

A.J. Kleinhexel (Educational Technology, 2015)

Johanna Kenney (Educational Technology, 2014)

Prisca Rodriguez (Literacy Education, 2014)

Deborah Marshall (Educational Technology 2013, Committee Chair)

Kristin Heathcock (Educational Technology, 2013)

Kellie Bassell (Educational Technology 2013, Committee Chair)

Heidi Fernandez (Educational Technology 2013, Committee Chair)

Joon Hao Chau (Computer Science, 2013)

Carrie Spittler (Special Education, 2013)

Shreya Desai (Educational Technology, 2012)

Kris Frady (Educational Technology 2012, Committee Chair)

Melissa Johnson (Educational Technology, 2012)

Mary Edwards (Educational Technology 2011, Committee Chair)

Polly Haldeman (Educational Technology 2011, Committee Chair)

Vasa Buraphadeja (Educational Technology, 2010)





Doaa El Sheik (Computer Science, 2012)

Alicia Montiero (Educational Technology, 2012)





Noy Ashkenazi (BS, 2010, MD University of Miami, 2015)

Onyeka Osakwe (MPH, 2011) - Research mentorship

Erica Thompson (MPH, 2011, PhD University of South Florida, 2017)

Ariane Maico (MD, 2013) - UF Medical Student Research Program

Lisandra Perez (MD, 2015) - UF Medical Student Research Program

Daphna Barbeau MD (Pediatric Residency 2016) - Medical Education Track

Bobby Smith MD, Pediatric Residency 2016, Pediatric Critical Care Fellow 2018) - Medical Education Track; Scholarship Committee

Olivia Potter DO (Pediatric Residency 2016) - Medical Education Track

Abigail Eli (DNP, 2017) - Research mentorship

Jim Buscher MD (Pediatric Residency, 2017) - Medical Education Track

Jackie Michel DO (Pediatric Residency, 2017) - Medical Education Track

Jordan Mullins (MBA, 2017; MD George Washington University, 2022)

Christa Matrone MD (Neonatology Fellow, 2018) - Chair, Scholarship Committee

Andrew Davis (MD, 2020) - UF Medical Student Research Program

Pranshu Bhardwaj (MD, anticipated 2023) - UF Medical Student Research Program







EME 2040 - Introduction to Educational Technology

University of Florida College of Education




COUN 501 - Introduction to Counseling (Teaching Assistant)

The College of New Jersey


EDG 6931 - Foundations of Research for Educational Technologists

University of Florida College of Education


ESE 6939 - Instructional Design

University of Florida College of Education


EDG 6931 - Digital Photography and Visual Literacy

University of Florida College of Education


EME 6208 - Designing Integrated Media Environments

University of Florida College of Education


EME 6651 - Learning Analytics Concepts and Techniques

University of Florida College of Education


EDG 6931 - Current Issues and Research in Educational Technology

University of Florida College of Education


BMS 6828 - Interdisciplinary Family Health

University of Florida Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health and Health Professions,

and Veterinary Medicine


MDC 7410 - Geriatrics Clerkship - Implementation Science/Systems Improvement 

University of Florida College of Medicine


PHC 6940 - Public Health Capstone

University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions


Various Course Numbers - Interprofessional Learning in Healthcare (face-to-face and online)

University of Florida Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health and Health Professions,

and Veterinary Medicine





2006-2007 Educational Technology Faculty Search Committee

2008-2009 Educational Technology Faculty Search Committee

2009 College of Education Faculty Search Committee

2009-2011 Department of Pediatrics IT Steering Committee

2010-present College of Medicine Evaluation Committee

2010-2015 Health Science Center IT Advisory Committee

2010-2013 Health Science Center Faculty Learning Community on Patient Safety

2012-2016 GMEC OSCE Sub-Committee     

2012-2015 President, Pediatric Academic Society SIG on E-Learning

2013-2016 College of Medicine Admissions Committee

2013-present Department of Pediatrics Clinical Competency Committee

2013-present Conference Planning Committee - Pediatric Medical Student Research Forum 

2014-2017 Member, JJ Finley Elementary School Advisory Committee

2014-present University of Florida College of Medicine Society of Teaching Scholars

2014-present University of Florida College of Medicine Society of Teaching Scholars Recruitment Chair

2015-present University of Florida CLARION Competition Faculty Coach

2015 UF Health Science Center Libraries Search Committee

2017-present Chair, University of Florida Department of Pediatrics Faculty Mentoring Committee

2018-2022 Chair, University of Florida College of Medicine Society of Teaching Scholars

2018-present Edward J. Stemmler Medical Education Research Fund Reviewer

2018 Chair, UFHealth Office of Interprofessional Education Faculty Search Committee

2018-present UF College of Medicine Faculty Development Leadership Group

2019-2022 University of Florida College of Medicine Multi-Mission Promotion Committee

2019-2022 University of Florida Evaluation Committee

2020-2021 Co-Chair University of Florida Evaluation Committee

2020-present SACSCOC Evaluator

2020-present AAMC Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) Subcommittee

2020-present AAMC GEA UME Committee

2020-2021 American Board of Pediatrics Telehealth EPA Writing Committee

2020 AAMC FRAHME Grant Award Reviewer

2021 Leadership Committee, Symposium on Situational Judgement Tests in Health Professions Education

2021-2022 AAMC Te4Q program evaluator

2022 AAMC FRAHME program evaluator

2022-present NIH NLM, Literature Selection Technical Review Committee












McIntyre D, DiFabio B, Derrick M, Rizvi S, Butters O, Bleeker T, Black E, Black N. Program self-evaluation and educational practice improvement of senior pediatric residents' perceptions of procedural competence. Poster presented at: UF Patient Safety and Quality Week; 2018 Apr 16-20; Gainesville, FL.

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